- CAAL – Concurrency Workbench Aalborg Edition (tool that we now use in our courses, CCS editor, visualizer and verifier, includes also games).
- The Edinburgh Concurrency Workbench
- The Bisimulation Game Game (including the CCS visualizer and simulator)
- Concurrency Workbench of the New Century
- mCRL2
- CCS in Maude. Thanks to Mikito Iwamasa (System Engineering Laboratory, Corporate R&D Center, Toshiba Corp.) for pointing out this link.
- CCS+HML in Haskell courtesy of Arnar Birgisson
- IBEN (for readers who want to play with Binary Decision Diagrams)
- Ruby-BDD (BDD binding for Ruby)
- TAPAAL (verification of timed-arc Petri nets)